No, but it is better if you do. I have designed the course so that if you miss a class you can receive the recording 24 hours after the class aired. But I have noticed that the students in the live zoom class ask really good questions so everyone gets to learn from them. It is the best feedback. I also ask that you give me a heads up that you will be missing just so I don't wait for you at the start of class.
No, I believe you can make art with whatever you have. I also believe you don't have to have expensive art supplies to make art either. I have made a suggested supply list with links but know they are just suggestions. Use what you have. If you have questions email me and ask.
Yes, the classes are designed for beginners and advanced students. I give you easy straight forward instructions on how to draw and paint. During the class you can ask me all the questions you want. I want you to like your painting at the end and want to help you get there. Even if we need more time you can always ask me questions by email after class.
100% YES! In a live class I will still make sure they are following along but you might have to assist them a little. I have found kids age 9+ totally can follow along. Younger Arty kids can too but may need a little help. I also do private one-on-one and group classes for kids that are custom for what the kids want to work on, email me for more information.
Yes, I have designed the course so that if you miss a class you can receive the recording 24 hours after the class aired. But to get the most out of the class, it is suggested to be live. It is the best feedback.
You will have access as long as I teach classes.
If you only buy a single month, you will have access to the two prerecorded videos, 1 live zoom art class plus 1 Q&A with replays.
But, I designed these classes so we could get to know each other and I can help you specifically with what you need to develop as an artist. And more importantly that is why you can save $255 of you buy the bundle.
Yes, but you will need to email me directly at and tell me what monthly class you previously bought and we will proceed from there.
If you bought the 2021 Watercolor Bundle and are not satisfied within 30 days we can work something out please email me at
There are no refunds on single monthly classes.